Nov 26, 10:43 PM
Buy out OQO and make the resulting device a little thinner.

Apr 10, 07:03 PM
Here is the outcome in Numbers.

Apr 7, 11:46 AM
If the demand for touch panels increases then the manufacturers of touch panels will rejoice and expand their business thus increasing the supply. The real problem here is that RIM probably wants terms on touch panel production that are not all-too-inspiring to the manufacturers to warrant expansion. For example, Apple is confident that they will sell X units of iPads in Y units in 2012, and so on. So Apple prepays for what they need.
RIM is not as confident with their Playbook. They probably need contingencies in any long-term orders they place to ensure they can get out of buying touch panels they won't need. If these were 9.7-inch panels then the manufacturer could care less. Anything RIM walks away from, they can turn around and sell to Apple (very smart of HP). However, who is going to buy all those 7-inch panels if RIM's Playbook gets off to a false start? Samsung? Nope -- they make their own panels from what I have heard.
Supply and Demand.... When there is real demand for more touch panels from consumers than those being supplied to Apple for iPad then the manufacturers will expand their production and take advantage of the opportunity to increase profits. The real problem here is that RIM's attempt at media hype is not equivalent to real customer demand. The only tablet with a large amount of customer demand right now is the iPad. That is part of why I tend to believe that the "media tablet" category is a figment of the imagination for market analysts. Market analysts assign a level of demand to the "media tablet" category and make projections, but the difference between the "iPad" category and the rest of the "non-iPad media tablets" is staggering. The iPad category is flourishing, the "non-iPad media tablet" category is a fledgling state at best (if not failing).
If not for Apple's success with the iPad how many manufacturers would have already thrown in the towel with "media tablets" and once again written it off as "the technology for tablets is just not there yet for mass consumption". Tablets failed in various forms for over a decade. iPad is the first and only mass market success in this area. If not for Apple, there would be no such thing as "Honeycomb" or HP Touch Pad or Playbook -- these guys are hoping they can figure out what Apple did right and find some way to ride the same wave the iPad is on -- while technical specifications are there, they have not yet figured out the "magic" of iPad -- ease of use, awesome software market, and the emotional response Apple manages to evoke with their user experience. Just a few examples of emotional response.... There is something delightful about pinching a stack of photos to spread them out across the screen or the way Apple's tiled app icons and folders gets adults to collect apps the same way their kids collect trading cards -- these are very emotional things that Apple seems to understand.
EDIT: I failed to make it clear, but I do hope that touch panel production expands for RIM and others to get the supply they need. I like Apple having competitors because Apple tends to take the good things competition comes up with and add them as line items to their proactive project plans. I don't believe that competition drives Apple (certainly not in the way that Apple's actions or Apple's critics are basically driving the competitions plans). Apple is a bit more proactive, but when they have a worthy competitor, Apple certainly picks up on any "good" ideas the competition has had that happen to fit with their long-term plans. I also applaud RIM and HP for not going the "me-too" Android/Honeycomb route. There is something to be said for not selling out to a third-party on software.
RIM is not as confident with their Playbook. They probably need contingencies in any long-term orders they place to ensure they can get out of buying touch panels they won't need. If these were 9.7-inch panels then the manufacturer could care less. Anything RIM walks away from, they can turn around and sell to Apple (very smart of HP). However, who is going to buy all those 7-inch panels if RIM's Playbook gets off to a false start? Samsung? Nope -- they make their own panels from what I have heard.
Supply and Demand.... When there is real demand for more touch panels from consumers than those being supplied to Apple for iPad then the manufacturers will expand their production and take advantage of the opportunity to increase profits. The real problem here is that RIM's attempt at media hype is not equivalent to real customer demand. The only tablet with a large amount of customer demand right now is the iPad. That is part of why I tend to believe that the "media tablet" category is a figment of the imagination for market analysts. Market analysts assign a level of demand to the "media tablet" category and make projections, but the difference between the "iPad" category and the rest of the "non-iPad media tablets" is staggering. The iPad category is flourishing, the "non-iPad media tablet" category is a fledgling state at best (if not failing).
If not for Apple's success with the iPad how many manufacturers would have already thrown in the towel with "media tablets" and once again written it off as "the technology for tablets is just not there yet for mass consumption". Tablets failed in various forms for over a decade. iPad is the first and only mass market success in this area. If not for Apple, there would be no such thing as "Honeycomb" or HP Touch Pad or Playbook -- these guys are hoping they can figure out what Apple did right and find some way to ride the same wave the iPad is on -- while technical specifications are there, they have not yet figured out the "magic" of iPad -- ease of use, awesome software market, and the emotional response Apple manages to evoke with their user experience. Just a few examples of emotional response.... There is something delightful about pinching a stack of photos to spread them out across the screen or the way Apple's tiled app icons and folders gets adults to collect apps the same way their kids collect trading cards -- these are very emotional things that Apple seems to understand.
EDIT: I failed to make it clear, but I do hope that touch panel production expands for RIM and others to get the supply they need. I like Apple having competitors because Apple tends to take the good things competition comes up with and add them as line items to their proactive project plans. I don't believe that competition drives Apple (certainly not in the way that Apple's actions or Apple's critics are basically driving the competitions plans). Apple is a bit more proactive, but when they have a worthy competitor, Apple certainly picks up on any "good" ideas the competition has had that happen to fit with their long-term plans. I also applaud RIM and HP for not going the "me-too" Android/Honeycomb route. There is something to be said for not selling out to a third-party on software.

Nov 23, 05:44 AM
Well, I've recently heard some speculation about a smart device from Apple to go along with the consumer device and if Palm is hearing the same whispers, I'd think it would be a bit concerning. However, Palm just introduced the Treo 680p, so it may not matter as much, once that has been deployed on various carriers' networks.
Yeah, I have too, but I don't buy it, really. If you look at Apple's products aimed at professionals/businesses, they're exclusively either Macs or software/software houses they've acquired. I don't think Apple is likely to break with the success it has had offering consumer hardware like the iPod. The iTV will follow in that tradition.
For the record, I really like PalmOS. It does what it's supposed to do very well. What concerns me is the way the companies (or have they reamalgamated now?) are being led in a strange direction - the move to Windows Mobile looks to me like Palm/Palmsource trying to hedge their bets rather than properly marketing what they have had going for them all these years. Time will tell whether it's a good business decision, and whether the PalmOS survives at all. I, for one, hope that it does.
If I remember correctly, Palm software and products were originally developed by a group of ex-Apple employees, weren't they? I think they're the same faction that struck out for a bit by starting Handspring (later brought back into the fold).
Yeah, I have too, but I don't buy it, really. If you look at Apple's products aimed at professionals/businesses, they're exclusively either Macs or software/software houses they've acquired. I don't think Apple is likely to break with the success it has had offering consumer hardware like the iPod. The iTV will follow in that tradition.
For the record, I really like PalmOS. It does what it's supposed to do very well. What concerns me is the way the companies (or have they reamalgamated now?) are being led in a strange direction - the move to Windows Mobile looks to me like Palm/Palmsource trying to hedge their bets rather than properly marketing what they have had going for them all these years. Time will tell whether it's a good business decision, and whether the PalmOS survives at all. I, for one, hope that it does.
If I remember correctly, Palm software and products were originally developed by a group of ex-Apple employees, weren't they? I think they're the same faction that struck out for a bit by starting Handspring (later brought back into the fold).

Apr 20, 05:49 AM
Wow, so many people pulling **** out of their ass and presenting it as FACT :rolleyes:
No one has a damn clue what Apple is up to, the secrecy is bigger than ever but the so called "analysts" continue making stuff up to justify their paycheck...
Of course they always have "their sources" and "people familiar with the matter" :rolleyes:
No one has a damn clue what Apple is up to, the secrecy is bigger than ever but the so called "analysts" continue making stuff up to justify their paycheck...
Of course they always have "their sources" and "people familiar with the matter" :rolleyes:

Aug 12, 06:32 PM
You're wrong. The promotion is for ANY mac before September 16, as Nuks said. They can't (and won't) change the terms of the promotion before it expires.
My thoughts exactly. The offer is valid for ANY Mac. They loose pratically no money on the Nano if the person buys on the iTunes store.
I'm planning to order a MBP and a nano right after Paris. If MBPs come out before Paris, I'm still going to wait to see if they revise the nano...that would make up for the 3 months of waiting to get the MBP.
I am ordering MBP as soon as they are updated OR Sept. 12th after Keynote which ever is first. I don't really care about the updated Nano, I am giving it away as a gift.
My thoughts exactly. The offer is valid for ANY Mac. They loose pratically no money on the Nano if the person buys on the iTunes store.
I'm planning to order a MBP and a nano right after Paris. If MBPs come out before Paris, I'm still going to wait to see if they revise the nano...that would make up for the 3 months of waiting to get the MBP.
I am ordering MBP as soon as they are updated OR Sept. 12th after Keynote which ever is first. I don't really care about the updated Nano, I am giving it away as a gift.

Apr 26, 02:09 PM
Good. It will force apple to innovate! I like iOS but it could be a lot better, which is why I jailbreak for a few different purposes

Apr 5, 02:09 PM
That ad should be pulled for one reason, it's ugly as sin.
Then pull 90% of themes from cydia... 75% of the wallpapers are some asian chick sitting on the hood of some car the users will never be able to afford. hahaha
Then pull 90% of themes from cydia... 75% of the wallpapers are some asian chick sitting on the hood of some car the users will never be able to afford. hahaha

Small White Car
May 4, 02:59 PM
As for being more restrictive, you're choosing to break the terms of the licence if you install it on more than one machine.
For rule-breakers it's more restrictive.
For rule-followers it's less restrictive.
I thought we were talking about rule-breakers which is why I'm going on and on about how it's more restrictive.
For rule-breakers it's more restrictive.
For rule-followers it's less restrictive.
I thought we were talking about rule-breakers which is why I'm going on and on about how it's more restrictive.

Jul 30, 02:01 AM
Please, Apple, release an iPhone.
Then I can flush this RAZR down the toilet.
Then I can flush this RAZR down the toilet.

Mar 28, 12:02 PM
All this hype can make anyone get upset and want to bash things. But its not worth it. Just keep your shirt on and be patient! I've been stuck with my iPhone 3G. I was gonna upgrade to the iPhone 4 last summer but lost my job and had to wait. I got married and had to jump on my wife's Verizon plan to save money. When the iPhone 4 came to Verizon I was so excited I was gonna do what I could to get it, but still had to wait. Yeah, I got caught up in the hype, but after calming down and thinking WISELY, waiting just a bit longer is not gonna hurt anything. In fact I really want a White iPhone 4, and Im glad I didn't waste money on a black iPhone just because its there.
In the mean time, paying attention to the rumors is good. Seeing some of the odd stuff posted in the forums by members is comical at times. But if we all just chill out and check the main page every few days we will see more stuff leaked.
Just remember, there are people out there that just might leave there iPhone 5 test mule sitting on a bar stool for someone else to find and post about it on the internet....
In the mean time, paying attention to the rumors is good. Seeing some of the odd stuff posted in the forums by members is comical at times. But if we all just chill out and check the main page every few days we will see more stuff leaked.
Just remember, there are people out there that just might leave there iPhone 5 test mule sitting on a bar stool for someone else to find and post about it on the internet....

Aug 2, 11:36 AM
Don't forget that apple dont just compete with themselves but other PC manufacturers now, and that release schedule would put them way behind. I expect speedbump/updated MBP and iMac at least. Probably on a random Tuesday soon.
Very good point. However, I still wouldn't expect these at WWDC. Merom won't be ready until Late August/Early September anyway... but perhaps a Conroe iMac could quietly show up some tuesday in late august in one of those four little squares on the Apple homepage...
Very good point. However, I still wouldn't expect these at WWDC. Merom won't be ready until Late August/Early September anyway... but perhaps a Conroe iMac could quietly show up some tuesday in late august in one of those four little squares on the Apple homepage...

Apr 20, 09:06 AM
1)So I'll have fun with a Galaxy S2 while the gullible remain in denial.
So if I said the Galaxy S feels like it was made by Fisher Price, in that it feels cheap, too light, over-designed, kind of goofy-looking, and therefore a monumental piece of crap when coupled with Android's battery-sucking OS and Samsung's baffling UI, would you take that as a statement of fact, or just another cue that everything is subjective?
Not that I hate Android phones. Far from it. My wife has one. She thinks it's "neat". I agree. She also thinks the battery life is a PITA and the inability to sync on a Mac is just plain stupid. I, again, agree.
EDIT: I just watched a review for the Galaxy S2. The only thing new I took away from it was "Wow, there might be something to this Apple/Samsung lawsuit after all."
So if I said the Galaxy S feels like it was made by Fisher Price, in that it feels cheap, too light, over-designed, kind of goofy-looking, and therefore a monumental piece of crap when coupled with Android's battery-sucking OS and Samsung's baffling UI, would you take that as a statement of fact, or just another cue that everything is subjective?
Not that I hate Android phones. Far from it. My wife has one. She thinks it's "neat". I agree. She also thinks the battery life is a PITA and the inability to sync on a Mac is just plain stupid. I, again, agree.
EDIT: I just watched a review for the Galaxy S2. The only thing new I took away from it was "Wow, there might be something to this Apple/Samsung lawsuit after all."

Apr 20, 11:11 AM
No. Don't stretch to the bezel, unless the bezel is getting bigger, which is the same bloody thing as making a bigger phone. I don't want the screen at the edge of the phone, and nobody makes this, for good reason. You have to be able to hold onto something on the phone. Really.
I'm getting so sick of hearing this excuse. NO ONE holds the phone by the TINY little black glass area next to the screen (right and left in portrait orientation)... the hold it by the metal edge, which has nothing to do with how close the edge of the screen is to the edge of the phone.
So tired of this.
I'm getting so sick of hearing this excuse. NO ONE holds the phone by the TINY little black glass area next to the screen (right and left in portrait orientation)... the hold it by the metal edge, which has nothing to do with how close the edge of the screen is to the edge of the phone.
So tired of this.

Apr 15, 01:34 AM
Lets look at the world's highest growth economy and see what their tax rates are:
So they have a higher rate of capital gains tax than the US.
A little lower down...

wallpaper pemandangan.

Beautiful Nature Pictures - 21

Wallpaper Pemandangan Indah

Wallpaper Bagus - PEmandangan
So they have a higher rate of capital gains tax than the US.
A little lower down...

May 6, 04:46 AM
The rummor would have been more credible if it said Apple was going to move to AMD processors since both AMD and Intel use compatible X64 architecture.
This would be like going back to the Power PC days... Yes new macs would have compatibility with Windows 8, but in this day and age where most people running Windows on Macs are using Windows XP it is unlikley that everyone needing to run Windows on Mac will be buying Windows 8.
This would be like going back to the Power PC days... Yes new macs would have compatibility with Windows 8, but in this day and age where most people running Windows on Macs are using Windows XP it is unlikley that everyone needing to run Windows on Mac will be buying Windows 8.

Apr 23, 05:09 PM
Apple's problem is that they put "Looks" before performance.
They crippled their chances of ever becoming a serious competitor to the PC for games due to deciding to use giant laptops on a stand which meant they could not cool any decent graphics cards, handing the gaming crown to the PC for years on a plate.
As for the future who knows.
The don't have a problem.
Did you read the last quarter results?
They didn't cripple their chances. They decided not to be in that field in the beginning.
When they decide to get into gaming for real (not dabbling like now), they will do a good job(s)!
As the previous poster wrote: Mobile game is where it's at!
Apple will do well in that with the ipad!
They crippled their chances of ever becoming a serious competitor to the PC for games due to deciding to use giant laptops on a stand which meant they could not cool any decent graphics cards, handing the gaming crown to the PC for years on a plate.
As for the future who knows.
The don't have a problem.
Did you read the last quarter results?
They didn't cripple their chances. They decided not to be in that field in the beginning.
When they decide to get into gaming for real (not dabbling like now), they will do a good job(s)!
As the previous poster wrote: Mobile game is where it's at!
Apple will do well in that with the ipad!

May 8, 08:03 AM
I'm one of the people that find the price tag to be a bit hefty. But, I'd rather not use it than have a free watered-down service.

Jul 30, 03:19 PM
Nice piece of work over at www.floatingpears.com
:D :D :D
:D :D :D
Jul 22, 04:15 PM
Agreed. A light, small, cheap Apple laptop targeted at students would be excellent, and an education iMac that's available to the public would be great too. Unlikely, but I'm with you on this one.
In other news, I expect the iMac to stay with an X1600 series card (because Apple have historically used the mid-range cards: 9600, X600, X1600 and possibly the rumored X2600s next year) so maybe an X1600 Pro and/or an XT. I also think that they should update the MacBook Pros graphics card because its a Pro laptop with a mid-range card so a Mobility X1800 would be nice.X600 Pro (iSight iMac G5 17") and X600 XT (iSight iMac G5 20") Hopefully we'll see a slight bump on the GPU.
In other news, I expect the iMac to stay with an X1600 series card (because Apple have historically used the mid-range cards: 9600, X600, X1600 and possibly the rumored X2600s next year) so maybe an X1600 Pro and/or an XT. I also think that they should update the MacBook Pros graphics card because its a Pro laptop with a mid-range card so a Mobility X1800 would be nice.X600 Pro (iSight iMac G5 17") and X600 XT (iSight iMac G5 20") Hopefully we'll see a slight bump on the GPU.
May 4, 03:01 PM
If 10.7 contains the ability to create a recovery partition, wouldn't it be simple enough to also have the feature of creating that same partition on a USB drive (or burn to disk)?
In theory it seems like that could have the potential to be even better than a commercially burned DVD since it could be updated as 10.7.x updates come out. They'd just need to include a user option for updating the recovery partition or not (or best case, have the recovery partition include all the 10.7.x revisions and let power users choose which version is restored).
We don't know specifics yet, but many people seem to be assuming that Apple wouldn't include any way to recover and reinstall, which seems extremely unlikely.
In theory it seems like that could have the potential to be even better than a commercially burned DVD since it could be updated as 10.7.x updates come out. They'd just need to include a user option for updating the recovery partition or not (or best case, have the recovery partition include all the 10.7.x revisions and let power users choose which version is restored).
We don't know specifics yet, but many people seem to be assuming that Apple wouldn't include any way to recover and reinstall, which seems extremely unlikely.
May 3, 03:37 PM
The couple threw themselves from the decaying bridge just as the spark shot from the wizard's staff, sending the bridge streaking smoke and fire through the gorge along with the wolves still on it.
"Thank you, Rosius," the couple managed between ragged breaths. They were both on all fours, panting fiercely. Dante looked sideways as he fought for air and looked at the group of 4 adventurers who accompanied them. "A lot of help your swords were!" Beatrice put a hand on his shoulder to try and calm his nerves. They were both beyond desperate, a crazy legend uttered from still crazier lips was their daughter's last hope.
The tallest one parted the rest and pointed to the man still wheezing for air "I told ya, this is no place for a farmer and his wife. Now your only escape is blocked."
"Yea, Rhon is right, besides, they's only 4 of us, and nearly forty 'leven of dem wolves!"
"Shut up Wilmer," the short but squat man from the pack boomed. Loras stepped forward to join the chorus of his older brother, Jorah. "Yes, please shut your face."
Wilmer retreated back into his fellow adventurers, blushing. The darkness was kind enough to hide this for him.
Rosius stared them all down. "I told you, I am merely tolerating your presence here. I am here on decree of the king to find this mansion and banish the evil within. So long as you do not impede my task, you may accompany me."
As the adventurers stepped forward and looked to engage Rosius in an argument, a high, shrill cry came from Beatrice "Where do we go now!?"
The remainder of the party looked to the couple to see what they were looking at. A black wall of roots, bark and leaves stood in their way. It was so thick that it permitted none of the moon's light past the trees that formed its edge.
Rosius shot a streamer through the sky in front of them, first illuminating the top of the forest and showing a hill on the other side. As it died out, they could see a faint silhouette of large structure atop the hill. They glimpsed twisted turrets and jagged parapets. Finally, they were in sight of their goal. Rhon smiled as the promises of riches danced in his and the other adventurers' eyes.
Rosius slammed one end of his staff to the ground. The top came alive with a milky blue light that pierced through the thicket before them. "We go in."
And so they came upon the mansion.
The couple threw themselves from the decaying bridge just as the spark shot from the wizard's staff, sending the bridge streaking smoke and fire through the gorge along with the wolves still on it.
"Thank you, Rosius," the couple managed between ragged breaths. They were both on all fours, panting fiercely. Dante looked sideways as he fought for air and looked at the group of 4 adventurers who accompanied them. "A lot of help your swords were!" Beatrice put a hand on his shoulder to try and calm his nerves. They were both beyond desperate, a crazy legend uttered from still crazier lips was their daughter's last hope.
The tallest one parted the rest and pointed to the man still wheezing for air "I told ya, this is no place for a farmer and his wife. Now your only escape is blocked."
"Yea, Rhon is right, besides, they's only 4 of us, and nearly forty 'leven of dem wolves!"
"Shut up Wilmer," the short but squat man from the pack boomed. Loras stepped forward to join the chorus of his older brother, Jorah. "Yes, please shut your face."
Wilmer retreated back into his fellow adventurers, blushing. The darkness was kind enough to hide this for him.
Rosius stared them all down. "I told you, I am merely tolerating your presence here. I am here on decree of the king to find this mansion and banish the evil within. So long as you do not impede my task, you may accompany me."
As the adventurers stepped forward and looked to engage Rosius in an argument, a high, shrill cry came from Beatrice "Where do we go now!?"
The remainder of the party looked to the couple to see what they were looking at. A black wall of roots, bark and leaves stood in their way. It was so thick that it permitted none of the moon's light past the trees that formed its edge.
Rosius shot a streamer through the sky in front of them, first illuminating the top of the forest and showing a hill on the other side. As it died out, they could see a faint silhouette of large structure atop the hill. They glimpsed twisted turrets and jagged parapets. Finally, they were in sight of their goal. Rhon smiled as the promises of riches danced in his and the other adventurers' eyes.
Rosius slammed one end of his staff to the ground. The top came alive with a milky blue light that pierced through the thicket before them. "We go in."
And so they came upon the mansion.
Rodimus Prime
Apr 10, 01:38 PM
I must say i just found this sight through google and had to join because of this post. I am a math teacher and the correct answer is 2
48/2(9+3) is a different equation than 48/2 * (9+3)
using Pemdas or the correct order of operations in the first problem
we first add whats in the parentheses (9+3)= 12
second step we multiply 2(12) =24
final step 48/24 = 2
the people who are getting 288
are adding (9+3) =12
then they are skipping an order of operations and going straight to division 48/2 =24
24 * 12 = 288
I feel sorry for your students because you are teaching them incorrect things
No matter what you do you have to make an assumption as to what "/" means. Nobody over the age of 10 should be using that notation for this exact reason.
Therefore, assume that author wanted to use "_" but couldn't as this is a forum not suited to equation writing and work from there. I believe the logical conclusion is 288, but that is not the same as saying the answer is 288.
umm what the hell are you talking bout. / means divide plan and simple. No assumption are being made.
In higher level class you go dot see that - with dots above and below it in anything more than maybe text books and even then it is not that common.
Reason for it is the / is much clearer and less likely to be interpreted another operation (subtraction) by mistake. the / is very clear.
honestly I can not think of the last time I used something other than the / for division. I might of been in Jr high so close to 15 years ago. I know I sure as hell never used anything but the / in my upper level math class (cal and beyond)
48/2(9+3) is a different equation than 48/2 * (9+3)
using Pemdas or the correct order of operations in the first problem
we first add whats in the parentheses (9+3)= 12
second step we multiply 2(12) =24
final step 48/24 = 2
the people who are getting 288
are adding (9+3) =12
then they are skipping an order of operations and going straight to division 48/2 =24
24 * 12 = 288
I feel sorry for your students because you are teaching them incorrect things
No matter what you do you have to make an assumption as to what "/" means. Nobody over the age of 10 should be using that notation for this exact reason.
Therefore, assume that author wanted to use "_" but couldn't as this is a forum not suited to equation writing and work from there. I believe the logical conclusion is 288, but that is not the same as saying the answer is 288.
umm what the hell are you talking bout. / means divide plan and simple. No assumption are being made.
In higher level class you go dot see that - with dots above and below it in anything more than maybe text books and even then it is not that common.
Reason for it is the / is much clearer and less likely to be interpreted another operation (subtraction) by mistake. the / is very clear.
honestly I can not think of the last time I used something other than the / for division. I might of been in Jr high so close to 15 years ago. I know I sure as hell never used anything but the / in my upper level math class (cal and beyond)
Apr 25, 03:27 AM
If this is true, I'd be a little pissed lol. I just traded up from my two 23" ACD's for two 24" LED LCD's.
Hopefully this means with the Mac Pro rumors refresh and Final Cut release that Apple is refocusing on their neglected pro-line. Maybe we'll see a full line of dedicated displays instead of one stripped down iMac panel.
Don't bet on it!
Apple is clearly a consumer based company now.. it could care less about the small niche of the mac pro. iMac? Yes, mac mini? Yes, the laptops? Yes, mac pro? NO.
Hopefully this means with the Mac Pro rumors refresh and Final Cut release that Apple is refocusing on their neglected pro-line. Maybe we'll see a full line of dedicated displays instead of one stripped down iMac panel.
Don't bet on it!
Apple is clearly a consumer based company now.. it could care less about the small niche of the mac pro. iMac? Yes, mac mini? Yes, the laptops? Yes, mac pro? NO.