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Monday, May 9, 2011

Fraction Number Line

Fraction Number Line. align on the number line.
  • align on the number line.

  • JAJ
    Mar 23, 07:22 PM
    Wow you are in such denial that I feel sorry for you.

    ...America is the fattest nation in the world(and quite possibly the stupidest). We have to adapt or we'll fall behind, we haven't yet because unless others have noticed we still are among the strongest economies in the world. Before the tsunami Japan was harder hit then we were, China infused $4 trillion into their economy when we did the stimulus package...just so you know of the $700 billion in allocated funds only about $300 billion was tapped and with the interest that corporations paid back we may have made money(it hasn't been calculated it was +-$20 billion). Spain is in financial crisis, Greece defaulted, Ireland has almost defaulted(probably because their 2% corporate tax rate, which arguably creates a massive amount of jobs)...the US debt is $14 trillion and our annual GDP was in 2010 $14.2 trillion(according to the World Fact Book) ...our debt to GDP ratio is one of the lowest in the world, with a larger country and economy comes more problems. To say that we have 11% unemployment and most of those people are now covered by government pay outs(they made it 36 months from 24, that one I'm not sure on) ...we're still not in any real trouble.

    I'm not in denial, as much as I am well-informed.

    And to return to the issue of the Apple pulling it....the First Amendment has been shown in court cases to not protect illegal or harmfully illicit speech such as shouting "fire" in a crowded theater...this is essentially the same thing. And for those shouting about the Fourth Amendment(I think it was only one person) illegal search and seizure does not apply(via <i>Katz</i> and other cases) in situations where illegal activities are occurring, driving while intoxicating being illegal.

    I hope that they trace the IP's and find that somebody somehow crossed state lines and then transmitted the data, therefore violating Federal law(as opposed to state) and allowing the Justice Department to get involved.

    Fraction Number Line. Fraction Number Line
  • Fraction Number Line

  • aristobrat
    Sep 26, 08:07 PM
    YES! Finally, I reap benefits from being with Cingular!!!! :D
    Meh, I know, bitter doesn't go my shoes, but ... heh

    It's the second or third carriers' customers that will benefit from all of the weird things that all of you early adopters will help discover. ;)

    Or at least that's how it's worked here at Verizon. By the time RIM gets around to releasing a CDMA BlackBerry version of a device, all of the bugs are pretty well worked out.

    Fraction Number Line. Number lines with vertical
  • Number lines with vertical

  • Coheebuzz
    Aug 24, 06:30 AM
    Just remember, the $100 million is a kind of loan, of sorts. When you talk to that Microsoft fella, remember to share some of the payments you extract with us. We're all family, right?[/I]

    Right on spot! They bought that right with the 100m and avoided a direct legal battle with MS. It's like Apple made Creative it's own legal b**** right now. :cool:

    Apple could and they would drag this case to court if it wasn't for the Zune. But rumor has it Zune comes in November and the legal battle could go on for 5+ years.

    That would give the Zune lots of time to break into the market while Apple and Creative will be fighting for who sues MS. With this settlement both companies will benefit and they can take action as early as Zune hit the market.

    just my opinion.

    Fraction Number Line. number line examples
  • number line examples

  • gnasher729
    Mar 30, 12:14 PM
    What about "Burger Store" ?

    Let's say you have a conversation with a friend like this "I'd really like a burger right now. " "Ok, where shall we go? " "To the nearest xxx, of course!". Which of these could you imagine saying without your friend thinking you are weird:

    Burger King
    Mc Donald's
    burger place
    burger store.

    Fraction Number Line. fractions on a number line
  • fractions on a number line

  • gleepskip
    Apr 20, 10:03 AM
    If this is your biggest worry on people being able to track you...hmph.

    Tinfoil hats are going to be all the rage here soon.

    I didn't mention what my biggest worry is.


  • Nebrie
    Mar 29, 12:13 PM
    Cmd+Drag moves a file which is enough to replace cutting a file for me.

    Fraction Number Line. using a Number Line:
  • using a Number Line:

  • HecubusPro
    Aug 28, 01:03 PM
    Assuming they release it tomorrow, would it be available at the apple store right away(not the online store)? :confused:

    Usually, Apple tends to make newly announced product available in their retail outlets as soon as it's announced, or quickly there after--within a day or two of the announcement.

    Of course, there have been excpetions to this rule, so Apple might announce upgrades tomorrow with availability dependent upon when shipments arrive from overseas.

    Who knows? Perhaps those shipments came early and they're already in the back rooms of stores ready to hit retail tomorrow. Prudence dictates though that we'll probably see upgrades to current lines in the next two to three weeks. Being hopeful for tomorrow is probably just a pipe dream.

    I think Apple does realize that by adopting Intel as their chip supplier, it is necessary to stay current with new technology, but I also think they don't feel the need to announce/release products with that new technology as soon as their competitors do. Apple takes a very laissez faire attitude towards public appearances concerning their competition with Microsoft and other PC manufacturers. They certainly do care what those companies are up to, but they're going to pretend that they don't really care. It's all part of their marketing strategy since the whole Think Different campaign began. Therefore, announcing their upgrades so close to the competition announcing theirs, kind of doesn't make sense from Apple's marketing standpoint.

    Of course, I could be completely wrong. :D

    Fraction Number Line. Understanding of Fractions
  • Understanding of Fractions

  • cube
    Apr 22, 01:43 PM

    The MBA looks bad as an ultraportable? L.O.L.

    The MBP is for people who want a powerful notebook. People who want a laptop capable of using parts that equal 85-watts or higher.

    I don't want a MacBook Air. I want a MacBook Pro without an optical drive that is slightly thinner than the current MacBook Pro.

    If you think the only thing that separates the MacBook Air from the Pro is an optical drive then I'm wasting my time arguing with you. Clearly someone that thinks a 15" Zacate notebook with an optical drive makes a 15" MacBook Pro with a quad core 45 watt CPU and a 25W+ GPU without an optical drive look bad is someone that knows little about what they're talking about.

    I don't see HP Envy owners complaining about their lack of an optical drive inside their machines nor do I see people knock that particular fact about the Envy.

    So, ONE netbook which has an optical drive. Which makes the MBA look bad because it doesn't have one.

    Actually, most netbooks make the MBA look bad because it doesn't have gigabit ethernet.

    And a 15" Zacate which is not a notebook because the CPU is too weak, it's not a netbook, and it's not an ultraportable because it's too big would make an MBP without optical disk look bad because of the price, even if it has little reason to exist (unclassifiable in a bad way).

    Fraction Number Line. classroom number line
  • classroom number line

  • alust2013
    Apr 24, 11:47 PM
    It's unsafe to drive the SPEED LIMIT in the left lane because of people who drive so fast. If anyone tailgates me, I just slow down. That said, I don't drive in the left lane except to pass.

    Fraction Number Line. the fraction/number-line
  • the fraction/number-line

  • retrorichie
    Apr 22, 12:03 PM
    Have you guys never used computers 10 years ago ? CRT monitors at 1600x1200 ring a bell to anyone but me here ?


    Fraction Number Line. Activity Name: Fraction Strips
  • Activity Name: Fraction Strips

  • Equitek
    Apr 22, 11:53 AM
    then why did apple cripple the 13" macbook pro's with ****** resolution then?

    I'd have pulled the trigger on a 13" MPB if screen resolution was higher... But now I'll likely be happier with an 11" Air with ThunderBolt. Maybe I can get a 500GB SSD in there by the time it's released, then I'll have all I want (for now).

    Fraction Number Line. Fraction+number+line+
  • Fraction+number+line+

  • ranReloaded
    Apr 30, 10:30 PM
    When the hell are they gonna re-implement spaces !!@$%#^&(&)(#

    I need to be able to assign it to any corner I want !!!

    What the Hell is wrong with them !!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

    Call me clumsy or whatever, but I hate the 'corners': I accidentally trigger them all the time on a frien's machine. Mostly because I use the Apple menu a lot. I DO miss the old mouse's side buttons/center button!

    Fraction Number Line. Number Line
  • Number Line

  • Jswoosh
    May 1, 03:53 AM
    Well here it is Sunday, still no official word from Apple or any other credible source confirming tuesdays launch. I just hope that this is NOT going to be a huge let down.
    And hopefully when we do see this launch tuesday most people say Wow.

    I hear ya. I really hope it comes out tuesday

    Fraction Number Line. Number Line Using Fractions
  • Number Line Using Fractions

  • milo
    Sep 5, 05:19 PM
    I've seen some posts about transferring "that much data" in disbelief. I calculate that a two hour movie will no more about 450MB. I hope it is, of course. This is based on a 1-hr episode of Lost is about 200MB. I fudge in 50MB for the fact that each Lost episode never is EXACTLY 1 hour.

    I can transfer that size (450MB) from my ReplayTV wirelessly to my PowerBook in less than a half hour with my Airport Extreme Basestation.

    So... I see no problem. Perhaps the show will be delayed a little but not more than a few minutes

    Lost runs about 42 minutes, so more like 600 meg. And you're assuming they'll ship movies at 320x240, which I doubt. If they up the quality to anything approaching DVD, file sizes will go way up. But I still think a well implemented wireless solution should be able to keep up, people are doing it already.

    Fraction Number Line. Example Fraction Number Line
  • Example Fraction Number Line

  • Mr.damien
    Apr 19, 06:54 AM
    Of course, Samsung's Android phone has many additional items such as their pulldown notification shade with built-in radio and orientation lock controls... which many people would love for Apple to copy.
    No ... YOU want.

    Fraction Number Line. We just finished our first
  • We just finished our first

  • balamw
    Sep 1, 12:55 AM
    Please explain to me how a computer company would benefit from aquiring a camera company because I just don't see it.
    Canon is far more than just a camera company, even tough that is their core business.

    In the consumer area, their scanners and printers are usually quite decent.

    However, I too just don't see the synergy.


    Fraction Number Line. Number Line
  • Number Line

  • kiljoy616
    Apr 11, 02:47 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    The marantz one is, you have to pay $40 to uPgrade firmware to get AirPlay working at all. At least you did with early versions, not sure about current versions, AirPlay may work without upgrade with those.

    Ok this makes no real sense to I figure Apple is behind it. Merantz and Denon both have upgrade and both same price. Are they for real, come on Airplay upgrade WTF. I smell Apple crazy behind it. :rolleyes:

    I guess its a software upgrade to their internal chip, but I still think its stupid, if your going to buy a 1000 plus receiver this is just dam bad PR to me.

    Fraction Number Line. This real number line has a
  • This real number line has a

  • Piggie
    Apr 22, 05:34 AM
    I'm amazed that no-one is seeing the very dangerous path we could be heading down here. Will people only see it when it's too late?

    Are we looking into the jaws of the future where you pay, but never OWN anything? Music, Movies, Apps.

    You pay to have the right to listen/watch/use the data.

    The data is never downloaded to your device to do as you wish, it's always held by the owners. or distributors.

    I can see this coming like a flashing red warning sign.

    Fraction Number Line. Real Number Line
  • Real Number Line

  • aegisdesign
    Sep 10, 10:31 AM
    Sure is a different world for Apple when 4-5 months without a product update is a long time. ;)

    No, that was about normal even in the PowerPC days.

    Once again, all signs point towards that Conroe Mini-tower... :eek: ;) :D

    Yes. In the same way the PowerPC 4xx series pointed to a sub notebook.

    Apr 22, 12:21 PM
    I'd take the 13" MBP screen over the 13 MBA screen every day of the week, much better quality in every way apart from the small resolution increase. The MBA screen is cheap and nasty (yes I owned both, sold the 2010 Air to buy the 2011 13 MBP)

    what's the difference in the screen specs? i saw the air's screen at the apple store and it looked pretty nice to me

    Apr 25, 02:04 PM
    What do you mean, "you people"

    Image (http://oneguyrambling.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/600full-tropic-thunder-photo.jpg)

    Win to the nth power. I spit my drink out laughing.

    Apr 4, 12:14 PM
    Maybe you're right, maybe not... I mean, I doubt the guys went in in Kevlar suit saying "we take the loot, not matter what. If someones try to stop us, we kill him". In a bank robbery maybe they would but I doubt they were ready to kill somebody only for a few iPads...

    But that's just me.

    And in the heat of the moment with fractions of a second to decide, he's suppose to consider the possibility that this guy just wants a free iPad and probably won't shoot to kill him?

    I don't think so.

    Sep 18, 05:58 PM
    whatever and whenever it shall be, it won't be too soon.

    I just will buy it, hopefully we can do so, unlocked, independently of the carrier. Today's phone are just plain crup.

    Unfortunately it will have a camera, it appears, which really sux, I hate those cell phone cameras especially here in the US where we are so behind that they charge you a fortune to send pics with the phone.

    Apr 30, 04:17 PM
    Get ready. It's going to be "Magical". :apple: