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Saturday, May 7, 2011

wallpaper cathedral

wallpaper cathedral. st jean cathedral and basilica
  • st jean cathedral and basilica

  • netvvork
    Apr 18, 03:05 PM
    I guess I can see Apple's point. But, aren't all tablets going to have a similar style and interface? It would seem like there can be only marginal differences in a touch screen interface.

    ahem... windows phone? it sucks, but the difference is by no means marginal.

    wallpaper cathedral. Canterbury Cathedral image
  • Canterbury Cathedral image

  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 9, 09:00 PM
    (48/2)(9+3) would be straight forward. The way the formula was originally typed lends interpretation as:


    Why would someone choose to group one set with parentheses and not another unless they were being intentionally ambiguous?

    Did you call your elementary school teacher? I didn't. They taught me well enough the first time.

    Because to teach kids the correct way to do math, teachers make up examples in which some actual thinking is needed to solve the problem. Written the way you just put it, it does not teach pemdas, something this math problem is obviously supposed to do. Your math teacher obviously taught u wrong or you just forgot how to do math as my numerous facts supported by searches prove. I dont need to call anyone, I taught SAT review courses for over a decade and my wife is currently a math teacher. But please take my challenge. Go to your local school and ask any math teacher how to properly do pemdas if u still can't accept the fact that u are clearly, beyond any shadow of a doubt, wrong.

    wallpaper cathedral. Albi cathedral Wallpaper 320 x
  • Albi cathedral Wallpaper 320 x

  • tstreete
    Nov 4, 10:51 AM
    They do have more of these in stock, but I was wondering if you have used their services before. it seems a little weird that they would offer it at such a low price, and they do not use paypal.

    I don't know how they do it at such a discount, but mine just arrived a day early in fine shape, so at least in my case they came through fine.

    I'll try it out this afternoon.

    wallpaper cathedral. wallpaper background photo
  • wallpaper background photo

  • Watabou
    Apr 9, 08:13 PM
    Following PEMDAS (Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction):

    But you have to also follow it from left to right.

    Suppose subtraction precedes addition, like this: 4-5+6, then the answer would be 5 not -7.

    Similarly, in this case, division is first so you have to divide first.

    This is how I would solve the equation:


    = 48/2*12
    = 24 * 12
    = 288.


    wallpaper cathedral. To download the wallpaper to
  • To download the wallpaper to

  • err404
    Apr 5, 04:30 PM
    Android is still open... They are just going to be much more tighter on what Products qualify to get the google Logo and the android name.

    I mostly agree. The design philosophy will leave it more open then iOS, but the reality for most users is that their subsidized handsets are compromised in openness. Without rooting, functions like tethering or updated ROMs require carrier approval. At the same time rooting itself is discouraged or prevented by most manufactures (rather, they are trying to prevent). Even Google themselves require specific standards be met for access to critical closed apps like the Market Place. Android isn't very compelling w/o Google's closed source apps like Nav.
    It's more then the logo and name. The core Android experience all but requires manufactures sacrificing control to Google.

    wallpaper cathedral. Wallpaper #39;Cathedral - Facade#39;
  • Wallpaper #39;Cathedral - Facade#39;

  • nasty devil
    Apr 24, 12:46 AM
    Are the current iMacs not retina enough? Lol

    But I wouldn't mind, if prices are the same :D

    wallpaper cathedral. wallpaper background photo
  • wallpaper background photo

  • iliketyla
    Mar 29, 02:11 PM
    Are you serious? who cares about ipods & battery shortages when there is a crysis =/..

    No one is trying to trivialize the tragedy bud, just giving reasoning for a shortage.

    wallpaper cathedral. Beach Wallpaper Cathedral Rock
  • Beach Wallpaper Cathedral Rock

  • aldejesus
    Mar 30, 08:50 PM
    Installed fine on mine.

    Thanks, will install as soon as the download finish.

    wallpaper cathedral. Znamensky Cathedral Moscow
  • Znamensky Cathedral Moscow

  • iMacZealot
    Jul 31, 12:37 AM
    if you are talking about nokia.. it's sinking..
    candy bar is still the best... esp those from Sony Ericsson..
    I hope apple phone is good enough to replace my love for Sony Ericsson phone

    I just don't see any advantage for candy bars....at least in the US. Would you care to elaborate?

    wallpaper cathedral. Pauls Cathedral Wallpaper
  • Pauls Cathedral Wallpaper

  • Eidorian
    Aug 11, 10:35 AM
    so once these are released, what are the chances if my MBP was broken Apple Care would replace it with a new Core 2 Duo one?It's possible. I've heard of iBooks replaced with MacBooks and iMac G5's with Intel ones.

    wallpaper cathedral. St-Basil Cathedral Kremlin
  • St-Basil Cathedral Kremlin

  • res1233
    May 6, 08:12 AM
    Windows is making a version of Windows that works on ARM and the regular processors, so ALL the software works for it. They wont be separate versions.

    So do you mean microsoft is implementing universal binaries? as in, intel windows apps will run on the ARM version? This would be a very new thing for windows if that's what you mean. If microsoft was any good at copying, they would have learned that lesson from Apple since the 68k/PowerPC transition. It works every time when going from one architecture to another, or from one word size to another.

    wallpaper cathedral. Cathedral of Santiago
  • Cathedral of Santiago

  • -aggie-
    May 3, 01:58 PM
    I feel like DP: why wouldn't we just tell people our secret power?

    wallpaper cathedral. of Florence#39;s Cathedral,
  • of Florence#39;s Cathedral,

  • marvel2
    Nov 29, 10:18 PM
    I can't find the TomTom kit on BLT's site anymore.

    wallpaper cathedral. iPhone wallpapers and iPod
  • iPhone wallpapers and iPod

  • -Ryan-
    Mar 30, 07:54 PM
    WOW. In my years of OS X development and beta releases, this is the first time I believe Apple has released a developer preview with little to no beta releases, and pushed right into a half arsed possible GM build without the numerous beta's for 10.X refinements. For developers and companies who have been accustomed to Apple pushing bi-weekly beta's as the GM release approaches. This may not bold well for developers and companies transitioning their products/applications in time and with little "bumps" in the road.

    This also makes me believe Apple has certainly, finally, officially drawn a line with regard to their main focus: iOS. It truly is about mobile devices for Cupertino, with iPhones and iPads and numerous iOS beta releases that have pushed OS X off center stage since Leopard. Gone are the excellent days of a dedicated LCD display line with three size variants, gone are the days when desktop PowerPC towers were affordable, and soon the professionals who spent thousands of dollars and hours investing in Mac products for their work will be pushed out the door for the general mass consumer. This is a sad sign for us, for those that supported a struggling yet profitable Apple dedicated to professionals, consumers, quality products and improved operating systems.

    Given that Apple sold over 4 million Macs last quarter, that must equate to around $7 billion in revenue. Macs still make up around a quarter of Apples revenue, so while iPhones might be where the most money is coming in, Apple can't ignore $7 billion per quarter...

    wallpaper cathedral. Cathedral HD Wallpaper
  • Cathedral HD Wallpaper

  • mazola
    Sep 11, 10:22 AM
    I'm guessing it has something to do with this (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0284490/).

    wallpaper cathedral. Tyn Cathedral desktop
  • Tyn Cathedral desktop

  • Popeye206
    Apr 20, 05:42 AM
    What will you do if Apple do make it bigger?

    Well... of course I'll bail on Apple and get an Android or MS based phone!

    NOT! :p

    Personally, I don't think they will. I think they are more concerned about all their customers - men and woman. Large and small. They know overall feel in the hand for all their customers is important and that it's important that it slips easily in your pocket. I don't think anyone here can argue that Apple is one of the best, if not the best out there right now, at product design. This does not happen by accident... I'm sure they test and try many variations to get where they're at.

    There are more important things they can do than mess with the best smart phone screen on the market.

    No matter what, there's always going to be competitors with something that's bigger or more. But again, it's not about any single thing that makes the overall product. It's the overall product that makes the iPhone so great.

    wallpaper cathedral. wallpaper background photo
  • wallpaper background photo

  • milo
    May 4, 05:09 PM
    And there's been exactly 0% of Operating Systems sold on the app store. And 0% of stories that downloading Lion will be excactly like downloading every other app on the app store.

    That's almost verbatim just what I was about to say.

    The number of lazy, complacent, disorganized, people that "don't want a disc lying around, or "don't want to keep track of one, is just hilarious.

    Or sad, depending on how you look at it.

    I don't see what's so lazy or sad about choosing a download over having to go to a store or have a physical disk delivered. Seems like the smarter option to me. And no, I don't want unnecessary physical media cluttering up my space. But that's just the tip of the iceberg, I'm much more excited about the advantages of a download than just getting rid of the physical disc. Sure, I'll back up the copy but I'd much rather have the option to put that backup on a disk with a bunch of other material than have a bunch of shiny coasters lying around.

    so...for those who cant wait to see the dvd drive removed from the macbook(pro)/mini..etc...how would one burn it onto a dvd?

    You wouldn't, and you wouldn't need to. I'd much prefer having it on a USB stick.

    It would be nice to know more details.

    (1) How will users on other than FAST cable modems get Loin?
    (2) How can we make emergency backups? I've been in a number of places were downloading gigabytes of data was not a viable option.
    (3) Did this idea spring from the "mind" of the same genius who came up with the New and Improved Apple Discussion boards?

    It would be nice if people would read the article instead of just posting questions that are already answered.

    wallpaper cathedral. Cathedral Of St. Etienne
  • Cathedral Of St. Etienne

  • Akme
    Mar 30, 08:30 PM
    Can someone confirm if this preview can be installed on MBP 2011?

    Installed fine on mine.

    wallpaper cathedral. Cathedral HD Wallpaper
  • Cathedral HD Wallpaper

  • thisisahughes
    Apr 7, 07:44 PM
    Money talks... :apple:


    Apr 7, 10:50 AM
    LOL! So Apple's ability to control a consumer market is a good thing? Tell me you're not that naive.

    LOL! I love it when someone calls someone else "naive" when the opposite is true just based on their statement! Funny isn't it?

    Mar 26, 10:20 PM
    Problem I have is timing. Why does Apple continue to release the new iPhone / iPad yet we have to wait months afterwards for the iOS update to take advantage of them? :confused: Last year it took until November for the original iPad update. Now they're going to offer the iPhone 5 with a several month lag for the iOS 5 upgrade?

    makes perfect sense from a business point actually:

    when the new software comes out apple will see a boost in hardware sales due to the new functionality.

    Meanwhile early adopters, really feel welcomed to the Apple community when months later their product is suddenly even better than they ever planned.

    Its amazing how people are so quick to assume Apple doesnt know what they are doing.

    Aug 7, 06:00 PM
    About the cube pro or headless iMac
    Yes, but quiet. Without fans, if possible.

    I'm pretty much sure anything at this performance level will need fans. We are not dealing with a G3 processor anymore.

    Anyhow I agree with the people that want a tower in between the iMac and these new Mac Pros. In fact, I would say these new models are probably complete overkill for 80% of Mac users. The 20% that really need this kind of power know who they are. The rest only need it for bragging rights.

    I like the iMac it is perfect in my eyes, but many people like to have something that is expandable. Something they can get inside of and change things.

    I don't even know if Apple needs a whole new case for that. Just a single dual core processor model would be fine. Either a single Xeon or a single Core 2 Duo. Something priced around $1,500 (+ or - a few dollars) fairly well equipped.

    Like I said before these things are beasts almost to the point of overkill except for professionals. Not everyone wants an all-in-one and the Mac Mini is not comparable to a tower in any way. So I think these people's complants are justified.

    Aug 7, 04:58 PM
    Mac Pro:
    Not bad. Not bad at all. A couple gripes if you'll bear me the minute...
    #1- Everything is BTO.

    Apr 23, 05:46 PM
    Does anyone know what mountain that is a picture of? I'm asking on behalf of a curious third party