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Saturday, May 7, 2011

wallpapers for mobile

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  • themadchemist
    Feb 22, 04:29 PM
    It's still strange to me to see threads with only 30 or 40 posts average a thousand or two thousand views...While the average number of posts per thread has probably increased, that change seems more subtle to me than the dramatic rise in hit counts.

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  • acidrock
    Aug 22, 06:40 PM
    job, good luck in college this next school year, you must be getting ready to go. BTW: do you think you'll be getting a job?


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  • scem0
    Oct 27, 01:52 AM
    Originally posted by xrhajj
    Superb idea....but Apple would have to change the display to color!!;)

    Unless you wanted bad black and white photos. A color iPod would be nice though...

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  • MacManiac1224
    Sep 18, 08:06 PM
    The Jag update program ends on October 31, so i imagine all macs coming out now or soon will ship with Jaguar.

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  • mjstew33
    May 20, 09:06 AM
    Yeah, he does look thin. Been noted a few times. ;) :)

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  • Gus
    Jan 29, 05:14 PM
    I figured it was for the "crap" posts that I saw around this time last year. There was a thread about MWSF last year when Apple was teasing us with those headlines and about 3 guys were posting every 10 seconds-just 1 line crap posts trying to get the numbers up.

    I can't believe you copied all of that off. I actually wouldn't mind seeing that. Before I came to these boards, I was a regular at the MacAddict boards. It got a little too stupid there and thank God I found this place. There was an intersting guy at MA though. A troll named Russ. He was fun...


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  • Dreadnought
    Jan 6, 06:03 AM
    Aniej, why are you stopping already? Just because something ins't going your way you'll quit it? You don't have any stamina don't you?

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  • RacerX
    Mar 29, 01:26 PM
    I've had Safari crash a LOT (probably the most crashed program next to Word and Mail.app)
    Wow, I have only had Mail crash on me once (2004-07-16) since I started using it as my primary e-mail client back in September 2002.

    Have you ever thought about trying to find out why it is crashing so much? Because I don't think that that is normal for it.

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  • pgwalsh
    Oct 1, 08:23 PM
    Originally posted by Mac2006

    Next thing well know is yall will be wanting a 23" imac....think about it......not going to happen I want a dual monitor 23" imac. :rolleyes:

    wallpapers for mobile. Mobile Phone Wallpapers
  • Mobile Phone Wallpapers

  • benixau
    Oct 12, 08:36 AM
    You know, i dont think apple, motorola, or IBM cares. We will, regardless almost, buy macs next time. A mac is a mac, and a mac user, never goes to a pc. They may use one in preference to a mac, but, they still look at the mac market and hope for a time when they ca move back. I did. 4 years ago i couldnt afford a mac. Now i can, guess which company has an order for two of their professional machines????

    Apple doesnt care because of this.
    Motorola doesnt care because they make more money elsewhere
    IBM doesnt care because they sell pcs and loads of other stuff for computers so they dont need to depend on anyone.

    We are 5% of people with computers. If i had to make a hardware marketing decision, which group do you think i want to please?????

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  • kgarner
    Jun 5, 09:47 AM
    Especially when they are wearing a red shirt in Target.
    I actually had a lady that acted like she didnt' believe me whan I told I didn't work there. She gave me this look like, "Yeah right, If you don't want to help me just say so, don't lie about it." :p

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  • ozzy817284
    Apr 9, 12:54 PM
    Not that it helps all that much now, but what about this
    a program that you load into your device and if its lost or stolen will give you the location of said item. Its like 12 bucks a year for 5 devices, how about some payback for theives.

    wallpapers for mobile. Mixed mobile wallpapers Part 2
  • Mixed mobile wallpapers Part 2

  • fowler.
    Nov 15, 07:08 PM
    I'm seriously ignorant to all of this, but is there anyway that I can change the size of the typeface in the address bar to something smaller, say a 10pt verdana, rather than this hugemongous 12pt lucinda boo shiet?

    /run on sentence.

    wallpapers for mobile. mobile wallpaper
  • mobile wallpaper

  • void
    Sep 15, 10:32 PM
    I think these stereos will be very expensive and might even use some iPod-ish features(wheel anyone?). It's kind of weird how apple supports competitors. Sony vs Phillips (Phone & Stereo) Sprint vs Cingular (Earthlink & Phone)

    wallpapers for mobile. Mobile Wallpapers
  • Mobile Wallpapers

  • jsw
    Jun 26, 02:54 PM
    I chose "NO: I don't really care" because, honestly, I don't. I could have picked "NO: I am concerned but will let others punish them" but I suppose what's closest to what I really feel is "NO: I don't really care because others will punish the OEM suppliers if need be."

    I think it's naive to assume that any other manufacturer doesn't use OEM suppliers which do the same thing. I won't stop buying Apple products because of it. If they were grinding small children up to make the casings or whatever, then, yes, maybe I'd care, but, as it stands, nothing I do will stop those workers from being abused by that company. If I stop buying Apple and buy some other supplier's system, then I have no proof whatsoever that such a purchase will in any way reduce any sort of labor abuse.

    To think that not buying Apple products will (a) alter Apple's opinion at all and/or (b) will in any way positively affect those workers is wishful thinking.

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  • Labels: Mobile Wallpapers

  • vniow
    Oct 5, 05:57 PM
    Originally posted by MrMacman

    Just tell me DO YOU HAVE INTEL INSIDE YOUR BRAIN?!?!!:rolleyes:
    When you are on a faster machine does not make YOU faster... I mean really, I don't type faster on a faster machine... Your page may load faster, but that doesn't even matter.
    The Laptop is a monster.

    I think he was being sarcastic. :)

    wallpapers for mobile. mobile wallpaper
  • mobile wallpaper

  • mrwalker
    Aug 31, 06:39 AM
    Originally posted by iJed
    I don't see why a Carbon app could not be recompiled for OS X x86 just like a Cocoa app. Carbon wraps to exactly the same low level APIs as Cocoa does. Therefore, as far as I can see, this claim is simply not true. Classic would be the problem not Carbon.

    Ok, so reimplementing the MacOS Toolbox (even if it's now called "Carbon") on yet another platform is no big task?

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  • chris200x9
    Mar 4, 07:51 PM
    bionic seems not to be doing anything, I am just starting it back up after shuting my computer for the first time since I downloaded it and I was wondering do I have to do anything special to start it up again?

    nevermind sorry it just started back up :)

    wallpapers for mobile. SAMSUNG MOBILE WALLPAPERS

  • RacerX
    Jun 21, 11:24 AM
    Er no - not exactly. Jobs was actually surviving on Pixar money and NeXT was going down the toilet - it was just the software that saved it.It seems that this part of history will continuously be overlooked... no matter how many time I point it out.

    The seeds of NeXT's failure were sewn in the first couple months of NeXT. Nothing, and I mean nothing, that NeXT would do after that would have made any difference.

    When Jobs started NeXT he took quite a few people with him from Apple (including many people from the Macintosh development team and the developers of WriteNow). When Apple found out about this they sued Jobs and NeXT. After about six months the suit was settled, and it was that settlement that crippled NeXT.

    At the time the most notable part of the settlement was that NeXT couldn't hire anyone else from Apple for a period of around 18 months. But that wasn't the killer clause...what killed NeXT was that NeXT would not be allowed to compete in Apple's core market, the desktop.

    Why was that so bad?

    This forced NeXT into the workstation market. They were joining (late) a competitive market which was shrinking do to the increasing power of desktop systems. Even when NeXT was pricing their systems equal to or lower than Apple's, they couldn't point them at the desktop market.

    And even after dropping hardware, NeXT couldn't take on Windows with NEXTSTEP because Windows was a desktop operating system. The only system NeXT could attack of Microsoft's was Windows NT.

    Basically, had NeXT not been forced out of the desktop market by the settlement, NeXT's fortunes would have been much different.

    Sadly, people look back at these restrictions that NeXT was forced to work under and (without knowing about the restrictions) blame NeXT management for the companies failures.

    If the people at the head of NeXT were the reason for NeXT's failures, then how in the world did these same people save Apple (most everyone in a position of power at NeXT had replace people at Apple in those positions within 2 years of Apple acquiring NeXT).

    Further, the restriction was on the operating system and hardware. NeXT had dropped the hardware (on Black Tuesday back in 1993) and was planning on dropping the operating system next. They had just spent a few years (1994-1996) helping to make Solaris into a NEXTSTEP replacement and were planning on dropping the OS after OPENSTEP 4.x.

    One way to see that NeXT was getting ready to take this step was in the fact that OpenStep Solaris had been made to look and feel just like NEXTSTEP 3.x. NeXT had been reworking NEXTSTEP 4 with a completely new user interface (see below). But when they finally released (the renamed) OPENSTEP 4.0, it looked exactly like NEXTSTEP 3.3... and OpenStep Solaris.

    click to enlarge (http://www.shawcomputing.net/racerx/ns4beta.jpg)
    More screenshots of NEXTSTEP 4 Beta (http://www.shawcomputing.net/resources/next/software/ns40_screenshots/index.html)

    What NeXT was planning was to drop OPENSTEP (letting their NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP users move to Sun, who was not restricted by the Apple settlement) and concentrate on Enterprise Objects and WebObjects.

    Apple knew that the only reason that NEXTSTEP hadn't been successful was because they wouldn't let it. And they most likely also knew that if Sun was allowed to finish it's transition to OpenStep Solaris that they would be forced to compete directly against what was basically going to be an unrestricted version of NEXTSTEP (that could be sold in the desktop market).

    Buying NeXT gave them the OS beginning they needed and stopped Sun from completing the move to OpenStep Solaris*.

    So yes, NeXT may have been going down the toilet, but it was Apple who's hand was on the handle.

    * Sun did release both OpenStep Solaris 1.0 and 1.1 (ftp://ftp.blackcube.org/pub/Peanuts/OpenStep/implementation/solaris/) (which can be run on Solaris 2.4 and 2.5 systems). And Sun has kept documentation on their site about their version of OpenStep (Quick Start to Using the OpenStep Desktop (http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/802-2101), Using the OpenStep Desktop (http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/802-2102), OpenStep Development Tools (http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/802-2110), OpenStep User Interface Guidelines (http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/802-2109), and Porting NEXTSTEP 3.2/3.3 Applications to OpenStep on Solaris (http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/802-2115))

    Sep 26, 04:28 AM
    Originally posted by vjv
    i know someone who just purchased a dual ghz box with 2 GB of ram. The extra .25 mhz isn't worth it becuase it is bottlenecked anyways by it's slow-assed system bus. The ram on the otherhand, is great for the after affects, FCP and photoshop work hes doing.

    You what?????? A Dual 1.25GHz is signicantly swifter than the Dual 1GHz especially in After Effects and Final Cut Pro.......


    Sep 19, 09:02 PM
    Originally posted by arn

    Unless you stop visiting rumor sites, you'll always hear about the next best thing
    I remember when I bought my first computer. The advice I got was, "Spend as much as you can afford. Then do not open a computer magazine for at least 12 months." :)

    Jun 28, 10:29 AM
    What next?

    what with microsoft buying out companies like iView and Lionhead Studios what will be next?

    I think abobe might be on Microsoft's List.

    Please Post Your Comments

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_companies_acquired_by_Microsoft_Corporation - Contains a list of Compaines acquired by MS

    Oct 15, 11:18 AM
    Originally posted by Chad4Mac
    I would read the other threads on the Forums before you make assumptions on the preformance comparison to simply Gigahertz.

    As Arn said, it's a arcitechture thing too -- you can't compare apple to oranges.



    but overall we are still a little behind the speed of the PC's..

    Does this really matter??
    Not really. The dual processor macs can eclipse PC's in most areas

    Is the machine still useable??
    Of course, even more so than a PC ;)

    Should we get all bent out of shape over the megahertz gap?

    Oct 20, 12:06 AM
    your lost whfsdude. .11g works with .11b. .11a does NOT work with .11b.